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This is not for the faint hearted. Some things won’t work. FreeHand will work but you may find your ‘other’ old apps are too old. Or you already have 10.6 or 10.7. Well I found nothing much worked on that for me and none of my old Apps I relied on. Plus 10.7 was rather slow. And I never liked the look of Mac 10.5. So this is the only way I can work, and I am very happy it does. I shall make most of the essential speed tested apps available on Dropbox as an ISO download. The rest is up to you to test. If your happy on virtual, then you have no need to do any of this. I just prefer to run FreeHand MX on a Mac native system and make it as fast and look professional without the problems of virtual. I also have an iMac running Virtual, but this is by far much better!